नॅश्नलिस्ट डिटेक्टिव्ह फोर्स

सुरक्षा रक्षक, राखीव, अधिकारी भरती २०२५

Application Form

(* फुली असलेल्या जागा भरणे अनिवार्य आहे)

Last Date of submission of online application: 15 march 2025

    Application details:

    Personal details:

    Correspondence details:

    Academic details:



    Exprirence Details


    1. I hereby declare that I have carefully read and fully understood all the instructions and details pertaining to the post being applied by me and all statements made and information furnished in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    2. I also declare that I have not concealed any material information, which may debar my candidature for the post applied for. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact including category, age or educational qualifications, experience etc. made in my application form, I understand that I will be denied any employment in the Institute and if already employed on any of the posts in the Institute, my services will be terminated forthwith.

    Payment Section